Lasagna with spinach, raisins and fresh cheese

Lasagna with spinach, raisins and fresh cheese

Today we bring you a lighter version of lasagna, made with spinach, raisins and a delicious and creamy béchamel sauce. Although it is a little more laborious, the result is incredible.


  • Pre-cooked lasagna pasta
  • 1 kg of fresh spinach
  • 1 large onion
  • 100 g of seedless raisins
  • 300 g of fresh cheese
  • 100 g grated emmental cheese
  • 750 ml of milk
  • 40 g of flour
  • 40 g of butter
  • Nutmeg
  • Olive oil
  • Pepper
  • Salt


While preparing the preparation, we let preheat the oven at about 180ºC. We start by washing the spinach well and chopping them. We sauté them in a pan with a little olive oil until they have lost their volume. We remove them from the fire and add the raisins and the fresh cheese. We reserve

To prepare the bechamel we begin by chopping the fine onion. In a casserole we begin to poach with butter and a little olive oil. We will do it with the soft fire for about 10 minutes. When you have picked a little color, add the flour and let it cook another 10 minutes, stirring well.

In another saucepan we have previously heated the milk, which we will incorporate little by little, without stopping to stir. The goal is to make the béchamel light. Season and add the nutmeg, grated to taste.

To assemble our lasagna with spinach, we began to place a paste base on a medium baking dish. Then we add a layer of the spinach mixture. We cover with bechamel and put another layer of pasta. We repeat the process, as many layers as we want. On the lasagna sprinkle emmental cheese and bake for about 25-30 min.

When the cheese has browned and the pasta has softened, remove from the oven and serve.