LÁCTEAS FLOR DE BURGOS S.L. is a company registered in the Mercantile Registry of Madrid, Volume 21.204, Page 207, Section 8, page number M-376.639, with C.I.F B-84300797 address in Burgos, calle Condado de Treviño, 27-29. 09001 BURGOS (Spain).Public atention telephone number is +34 947 298 999 and electronic mail box is flordeburgos@flordeburgos.com.LÁCTEAS FLOR DE BURGOS S.L., owns the domain names and web pages that are accessed from www.flordeburgos.com

Web target
FLOR DE BURGOS website aims to raise awareness of the brand, its products, activities and projects it has done to all Internet users.

Use & Privacy Policy
All rights of this page are reserved. The text, images, sounds, animations, video and other contents included in this site are property of LÁCTEAS FLOR DE BURGOS S.L. Any transmission, distribution, reproduction, public communication, availability, processing, handling or storage, total or partial, requires the prior, express and written consent of LÁCTEAS FLOR DE BURGOS S.L., except where indicated otherwise. Unless expressly and authoritatively written consent, setting technical link to third party websites from giving direct access to the pages of LÁCTEAS FLOR DE BURGOS S.L. is not allowed.
Logos of LÁCTEAS FLOR DE BURGOS S.L., as well as trade names, trademarks, packaging, designs and other elements susceptible of intellectual property are owned and registered.
This website may contain technical link(s) to external sites over which LÁCTEAS FLOR DE BURGOS S.L. not responsible in any way, or concerning the content, or for any other aspect of such sites or their access.
LÁCTEAS FLOR DE BURGOS S.L. can not guarantee the absence of computer viruses or other harmful component or condition in our web pages or the servers that make them available. LÁCTEAS FLOR DE BURGOS S.L. excludes, to the fullest extent permitted by Spanish law, any liability for damages that accompany or result from the use of these sites.
LÁCTEAS FLOR DE BURGOS S.L. may change without notice the features, specifications and photographs of their products as well as any other information or content contained herein, and is not subject to any warranty of any kind.
All information and data described in the website have been taken from reliable sources and relate only to the geographical scope of the Spanish State. LÁCTEAS FLOR DE BURGOS S.L. can change without notice any information contained herein and is not subject to any warranty of any kind. LÁCTEAS FLOR DE BURGOS S.L. is not responsible for any direct or indirect damage that may cause the accuracy, reliability or completeness of such information or the use of it can be done.
Under no circumstances shall, by accessing this website, the user obtains a license or authorization to use, beyond the strictly private use, any content, information or service on the web, or any rights related to them , especially intellectual property.
This legal notice is governed in each and every one of its clauses by Spanish law.
LÁCTEAS FLOR DE BURGOS S.L. reserve itself the right to make, at any time and without notice, changes and updates to the information contained in its web, the configuration and presentation and access conditions.
LÁCTEAS FLOR DE BURGOS S.L. reserve itself the ability to store the IP addresses of users accessing the site for the creation of access statistics to monitor the movement of users and gather broad demographic information together. This information is stored for as long as required by law.

Policy protection of personal data

a) Curricular data:
By sending your resume to LÁCTEAS FLOR DE BURGOS S.L., you consent and agree expressly and unequivocally that personal data are incorporated and treated in a file owned and responsibility to LÁCTEAS FLOR DE BURGOS S.L. as to be able eventually contact you now or in the future in order recruiters. The data collected will be used only by LÁCTEAS FLOR DE BURGOS S.L.. This file has been recorded in the General Register of the Data Protection Agency.
Agree with Ley Orgánica 15/1999 de 13th december, of Protection of Personal Data, you are informed that you can exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition addressing to LÁCTEAS FLOR DE BURGOS S.L., C/Condado de Treviño, 27-29. 09001 BURGOS (Spain).
LÁCTEAS FLOR DE BURGOS S.L. engages in the use of the data included in the aforementioned file, to respect its confidentiality and use in accordance with the purpose of the file, and to comply with its obligation to keep it and adopt all measures both automated and non-automated to prevent alteration, loss, treatment or unauthorized access, agree with stablishment in the Real Decreto 1720/2007 of 21st december, of develoment of Ley Orgánica 15/1999 of Protection of Personal Data.
In compliance with the recommendations of the Spanish Agency for Data Protection, your resume will remain active a period of approximately six after which months will be destroyed unless you provide us with an updated one (via e-mail rrhh@flordeburgos.com mail) or we expressly provide consent giving us your resume to keep longer.

b) Users data:
According to the provisions of article 5 of the Organic Law 15/1.999 of 13 December on the Protection of Personal Data, we inform you that the personal data you included in our database and we were provided at the time are part of a file, which is responsible LÁCTEAS FLOR DE BURGOS S.L., and is registered with the data Protection Agency.
These personal data will only be used for a proper management of our business relationship.
If desired, may at any time exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition by writing to LÁCTEAS FLOR DE BURGOS S.L. to the address: calle Condado de Treviño, 27-29. 09001 BURGOS (Spain).